Thursday, July 22, 2010


My first visual arts experience that I can recall was when I was very young. My siblings and I were extremely bored during the summer without school. My mom told us to all go to the garden and pick out some rocks, then bring them back. When we all returned with our rocks she had a table set up outside with lots of different paints. We were entertained for hours painting rocks. Mine looked like a big apple so I painted a cartoonish face on it and named it Mr. Apple. This is a character that has resurfaced many times since, every time I get bored in class. My kids are now very big fans, and they often request I draw him.
I would imagine that if I were aspiring to become an elementary school teacher that my classroom would be very traditional with one very large exception. I find most classrooms to be very cluttered and chaotic. I would likely attempt to minimize the clutter in the room to avoid overstimulating the students. Structure can be a very good tool in providing children a strong sense of security.
When I attempt to picture future colleagues I automatically picture the people in this elementary art class. They are going to be there and so naturally I seem them as my colleagues.

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